
Texto argumentativo em inglês intermediário com questões para desenvolver fluência


Read and answer questions 1 to 4.

Technology not for her

When I was growing up, one of my half-brothers was not happy that my dad was spending money to send a girl to school; his argument was that one day I would get married and all the money spent on me would be a waste since I was going to benefit my husband’s family and not my dad. This kind of stereotype has been attached to many women across the globe — and especially in my country, South Sudan. As a result, many women in my country are being left behind when it comes to education and opportunities for establishing a career and independence.Pursuing my Computer Science degree at a foreign university, I came into contact with a lot of female lecturers who were inspirational and good teachers. This exposure built my confidence to try out new things, and especially things that I had considered to be more masculine. I pursued my interest in computer hardware and software repairs, and had fun playing around with screwdrivers and wires. Though many of my friends and family back in South Sudan at first found it bizarre to see a young lady opening and repairing computers, when they saw what I could do, they encouraged me to share my experience and knowledge with students and to inspire other young women to follow this traditionally male career path.I took their advice and soon applied for a teaching position in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Juba, where I became just the second female lecturer on staff. In the classroom, I soon found that many students — but predominantly my female students — were reluctant to contribute to class discussion. Many of them were taking the back seats in the classroom, and their class performance and grades were not very strong. These students were often surprised to see me leading the ICT courses because, to them, these subjects were more “masculine”, and were not meant for women. I knew I needed to change these girls’ attitudes, but how was I going to do it without making them lose interest, or become more intimidated than they already were?[…]Technology needs to be inclusive. We are now in an era where the world needs women to create new possibilities using technology. Many fragile countries in Africa, like South Sudan, still lag behind in this area. African governments, especially in these fragile countries, have to support women to take up technology-related careers, and have to help and support them to break mindsets that are holding them back. The world is changing, and it is critical that women are able to change with it.Eva Yayi Mawa is Co-Founder of the GoGirls-ICT Initiative and Lecturer at the University of Juba. She is part of the Global Innovation Gathering, a diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community spaces and initiatives as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemakers. 

Questão 1What kind of stereotype is presented in the article?______________________________________________________________________________________
Questão 2I. What’s the author’s opinion about women in technology?______________________________________________________________________________________
II. What’s a fact about the world that is stated in the text?______________________________________________________________________________________
Questão 3According to the author, what should governments do and why?______________________________________________________________________________________
Questão 4Check all the statements that are correct, according to the article.
a) She thought it was fun to be around wires and screwdrivers. [  ]b) She studied Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Juba. [  ]c) Her female students were very helpful. [  ]d) Subjects in ICT courses were said to be more masculine. [  ]e) South Sudan is in South Africa. [  ] 
Questão 5Finish the sentences using the first conditional.
I. If Eva’s female students pay attention in class, ______________________________.II. If governments support women more, ____________________________________.III. If women take up technology-related careers, ______________________________.IV. If more women go to school, ____________________________________________.V. If people break stereotypes, ____________________________________________.
Questão 6Look at the graph in the image below and answer questions I and II. 

I. What kind of graph is it?a (    ) A bar graph. b (    ) A pie chart. c (    ) A line graph.d (    ) Scatter plots.(    ) Curve chart. 
II. What information is possible to infer from the graph? Check all the correct options. (    ) It is divided into sectors and each sector has a different color. (    ) Data is organized vertically. c (    ) The longest column shows the greatest value. d (    ) The shortest column shows the smallest value. (    ) The circles show the numbers that are important. 
Questão 7Write the opposite of the following words related to technology, using the correct prefix.I. upload _____________________________II. low-tech _____________________________III. input _____________________________
Questão 8What is your opinion about digital nomads? Write one paragraph giving your point of view and some examples that support it.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Referência: Peacemakers

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